Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011 - Day 31

The people in the house love thunderstorms, but I guess the animals don't. The dog is in the shower and the cat is curled up with "Pet" the bunny.

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011 - Day 29!!!!!

Had an egg hunt, well lets be honest.......we have had about 30 egg hunts. This one was hidden by a bunny in the lettuce.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22, 2011 - Day 26

We have been busy the last few days, but we can always squeeze in time to color and decorate eggs!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 17, 2011 - 3 weeks in!!!

Well, the rain has stopped....FINALLY!!! Now for a few good days of garden photos.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16, 2011 - Day 20

weird....caught my eye. people must have thought I was crazy  taking pictures of a roof in a mall.....

April 15, 2011 - Day 19

No internet access yesterday, so I will post 2 today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14, 2011 - Day 18

I can just hear him saying, "Mom, this bird is an idiot.....even I won't eat him."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011 - Day 17

Today I giggled myself silly at the farm up the road. It was nice to go by myself and take a little time to really interact with the animals. This cow was hamming it up for my camera. I only had to wait next to her for a few minutes for her to loosen up. I have never said this before and may never again....that was one awesome cow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12, 2011 - Day 16

I couldn't believe that I actually caught this on camera. It was only there for about 20 seconds. It is not's a green flame.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011 - Day 15

Day 15 and doing some laundry.....and taking pictures of course!!! Kitty had to take a bath. Out of many kitty pictures that I took, most had the reflection of the wall.  Bummer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 10, 2011 - Day 14

Last night my camera fell off a table. It shattered the filter on the front. I started taking pics this morning to make sure it still worked and I had a VERY patient subject.  A lesson of spring...this bird is looking at my clean windows and attacking the evil bird reflection.

After an hour and a half the bird is still at it, the cat finally noticed and my camera battery finally quit.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7, 2011 - Day 11

To quote my husband, "The best camera is the one you have with you when you need to take a picture."

Dragon Fruit taken with my cell phone!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011 - Day 10

If you have to be out at 7:45 in the morning, you might as well make good use of the light.....

ISO 400

April 5, 2011 - Day 9

Didn't feel good yesterday....going to post another picture from Monday's photo shoot.

1/ 3200
ISO 400
180 mm

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011 - Day 8

Today my daughter said, "ok, let's take pictures....."
1/ 250
ISO 400

April 3, 2011 -Day 7

Yeah!!! My first milestone! One week of taking pictures.  It seemed really daunting at first, but I think it has really forced me to play with the new camera much more. Love it!

focal length - 50 mm
ISO- 400

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2, 2011 - Day 6

Rain, Sun, Rain, Sun, Windy and Rainy, Sunny.  What a day...Got this awesome pic on the way back in the house after taking more posed shots. 

ISO 100
Auto WB
Focal length - 55 mm

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011 - Day 5

Now we can't go through spring without at least one cherry blossom picture.  Shot in cloudy weather.  :)