Tuesday, September 18, 2012

After completing the 365 project, I decided to dive head long into working more with portraits.  I have been working hard on educating myself and doing the necessities to start a business.  I am so excited to welcome Yellow Butterfly Photography into my life.

Why Yellow Butterfly Photography you ask?  Mamarazzi Adventures is the name you already had for your blog. Why the change?

I took a job last year at one of the big box store photography departments.  I was appalled at the way some photographers treated the kids they were photographing.  I heard one guy swearing right in front of a client.  Then another photographer almost put her hands on a little girl with special needs.  The mother looked at me thankfully when I pulled back the photographer before contact was made.  That photographer just didn't understand. I couldn't take it another minute. I knew I could run my own photography business, even though there was going to be a big learning curve.  I wasn't learning anything there so let me try.  

The name itself started a couple of years ago with my daughter attending a special needs preschool.  Before they were taught to recognize their names, they were given a symbol and a color. My daughter was.....wait for it.....a yellow butterfly. 

There it is....a birth of a company. 

My goal?  Every family deserves to have great photographs of their children.  Autism, developmental delays, Downs Syndrome, ADHD, physical disabilities and many other conditions do not exclude you from the needs of documenting your children's lives. 

Come one, come all. Yellow Butterfly Photography loves all children.  Thanks for checking in!

Yellow Butterfly Photography

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